ICEPAG 2019 Microgrid Global Summit Header Image

Business men in suits shaking hands
Sponsoring ICEPAG 2019 is an Effective Way to:

  • Maximize your presence at the event.

  • Cost-effectively bring a delegation of colleagues or customers to the event by utilizing the complementary registrations that are included in the Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship levels.

  • Demonstrate your leadership within the Clean Energy sphere.

  • Help us provide reduced-cost registrations for students whose research and study is focused on Microgrids and Clean Energy.

Businessman in suit pointing to word on glass that says: Sponsor
4 Levels of Sponsorship

There are 4 levels of sponsorship available that provide a range of opportunities and options to allow sponsors to choose a package that meets their specific marketing requirements:

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze

Photo of conference attendees checking in at a desk in front of the meeting area
Exhibiting at the Colloquium

Exhibiting at the Colloquium comes with three high-value exposure opportunities designed to maximize your positioning with this global constituency:

  • Networking Breakfast
  • Morning and Afternoon Breaks
  • Lunches
All networking opportunities allow companies to effectively connect with attendees one-on-one in a focused environment while showcasing their company and technology.

Sponsor logos will be on display during the Networking Breakfast, Breaks, Lunches and at the Receptions being held at the Advanced Power and Energy Program Laboratory adjacent to conference meeting rooms.

For complete information regarding sponsorship, please contact:

William Gary
Associate Manager of Outreach
Advanced Power & Energy Program
University of California, Irvine
Tel: 949.824.7302 ext. 11131
Email: wmg @