Wyndham Irvine-Orange County Airport
17941 Von Karman Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614
Ask for the discounted UCI rate
Other conveniently located hotels include:
Transportation to the Event
When arriving at the UCI campus there will be signage to guide you to the check-in and conference rooms.
Download the ICEPAG 2019 Conference Map here.
If you are utilzing Uber, Lyft, or taxi transportation services to and from the Conference, we recommend that you set your destination as the Engineering Laboratory, Irvine, CA or East Peltason and Engineering Service Road.
For Those Driving to the Conference
We are providing complimentary parking in the ANTEATER PARKING STRUCTURE
Parking is complimentary ONLY in the Anteater Parking Structure. Each day you plan to attend the Conference, PLEASE SEE THE PARKING ATTENDANT AT THE ANTEATER DRIVE / EAST PELTASON ENTRANCE OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE TO RECEIVE YOUR PARKING PERMIT. Please display the permit where it can be seen; campus parking officers will ticket vehicles not displaying a parking permit.
Download the ICEPAG 2019 Conference Map here.
If You are Driving a Plug-In Electric Vehicle
We are pleased to let you know that on the bottom level of the Anteaater parking structure there are charging stations available.