Solar Decathlon
November 20, 2013
APEP was invited to exhibit at the U.S Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon and XPO, which took place in Irvine during the month of October. As part of a display by UC Irvine, the host University for the Solar Decathlon, APEP presented its current research initiatives to the general public who were excited to learn about fuel cells and advanced power technologies. Evidence that the Solar Decathlon’s mission was to challenge college teams from around the world in designing an energy-efficient, cost effective, perfect “future home” with tactical curb appeal was shown when energy generated from the roof top solar panels contributed more power back to the grid than what the homes were taking in. By exposing more of the public to clean energy technologies such as solar or fuel cells, the U.S. is closer to reaching its goal of energy independence as well as a healthier planet.